Jessica Ruwala
(Asst. Co-ordinator)

The renowned philosopher Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru once stated, “If people are to be awakened, women must be awakened first. Once a woman is awakened, the whole family will be awakened.” This statement holds undeniable truth, as education fosters individual independence by imparting skills necessary for offering services and earning a livelihood. Education makes a woman self-reliant. Therefore, education for women is genuinely important to make them independent and confident.  In alignment with this principle, the vision of VIOS is to provide education tailored to the subjects of interest for girls. This extends to girls with special abilities, who can also acquire knowledge and pursue their aspirations. Through the provision of unwavering support and guidance to women and girls, VIOS is dedicated to empowering them. This empowerment paves the way for women to emerge as leaders within their communities, effecting positive change within society.